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Requirement for Automobile Drawings



Dear Friends This is Umesh from bangalore and i am a mechanical Engineer
and i am working as a Proe Design Engineer.I am working in reputed Engineering Industry manufacturing of Turbines.
My many days Ambition is I want to make one Model of Any Automobile Vehicle
whether it may be CAR,TRUCK,BUS,etc.For this i want the Drawings for Modelling in PROE.So can Anybody Suggest me how can i get this drawings and where can i get all the part drawings of automobiles.Or if anybody having any drawings can yuo please send me.
my email ID:[email protected]
One Suggestion

Obviously a web search. Likely that these geometries are considered proprietary, so you may not have much luck. Try searching using 'auto body+files' or something along those lines...
Turbine Modelling

I am a tutor of pro/engineer. I want to make a model of a turbine, but I don't have data for that. Can U please give me any dummy data from which I can learn modelling of turbine blades ?

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