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Role of spine



In catia v5 there are a lot of command where we can see a term "spine".Can anybody tell me about the importence of spine in these commands(VARIABLE FILLET ETC.)With example.
Some comments, mini guide and sample file:

» In catia v5 there are a lot of command where we can see a term "spine".Can
» anybody tell me about the importence of spine in these commands(VARIABLE
» FILLET ETC.)With example.

Hello rachna,

The use of a spine curve in variable filleting, swept and lofted surfaces is generally used as a guide curve to orient the cross-section of the feature as it moves along its path.

For example during a variable radius fillet, the propagation along the edge(s) can be done smoothly when selecting a spine along which an arc of circle is slid. Cutting the resulting fillet surface by a plane normal to the spine would result in a circle of the specified radius value.

Here is a V5 Mini Guide on Creating Variable Bi-Tangent Circle Radius Fillets
Using a Spine:

Here is the sample document that goes along with the guide:

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