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Sheetmetal Doubt



Hello guys, wonderful forum. That's why I'm posting again, need some help with shheetmetal. - photo sharing - download image error chapa.jpg ml?dirPwdVerified=611c6210

I want to put sheetmetal in 3 parts. One where you can see it in the picture, where I created a plane, and in between in the upper part. I can put sheetmetal in any of the 3, but then anywhere else. An error appears, translated it would be something like "the plane of the sketch for the flap must match up with the superior or inferior part of the base of the solid"

I really don't understand what this means, nor what solid is he talking about. I'll leave you the solid file in case you want to see it in your language.

Thanks a lot in advance!

PS: slwrks file - online file sharing and storage - download (2) Chasis Cobra FORUM.SLDPRT ra_FORUM.html?dirPwdVerified=611c6210

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