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Solid Edge into Sketch up?


New member
Hi Guys.

Loving this site so far, dont know how I got this far in my career without finding it.

Obviously I am brand new here, so please say hi when ever you are free.

I currently work for UGS covering EMEA with the Velocity Portfolio, SE, FEMAP, NXCAM Express and TCX. SE being my strong point, or I thought it was till I came on here.

I have logged calls to UGS development with this as its becoming a growing issue.

I have lost accounts due to people wanting models built in Edge, but taken into Sketch Up (Googles new purchase).
The only method of file types to date is importing 3DS files....Something Edge cant create.

I found a partner software with limited success 'Okino'.

Have any of you guys done this without the use of 3DS MAX and had success.

There you go....thers my first request...



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