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Square to round transition in sheetmetal


New member
I want to do a square to round transition in sheet metal and be able to unbend into a flat. I have done a model in the sheet metal module, but I can't seem to be able to create the bend, rip,etc. that will allow me to do the unbending after. Any help would be appreciated.
The corner of the square will have all the sections converging there, so you end up with an infinitely small convergence of flat sections. What you should do is either make these segments offset to each other (usually a little more than the material thickness) or make the corner and then make a cut to remove the convergence.
I want to do a square to round transition in sheet metal and be able to unbend into a flat. I have done a model in the sheet metal module, but I can't seem to be able to create the bend, rip,etc. that will allow me to do the unbending after. Any help would be appreciated.
Can you show a picture of the part?

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