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Threads views are not complete



I assembled some parts and opened an idw sheet, put a base view and a section
In both of them, the threads appear as outline only, without the inner line that represent the teeth.
However, when I put a view for the bolt only as one part, the part appears correctly
So how can I make the bolt in the assembly appear with both lines?

Thanks in advance
Change your view to hidden lines visible and you will see them. Parts default to hidden line visible, assemblies default to hidden lines removed. In order to see the thread .bmp as seen in the model, switch to shaded.
Thanks for your reply
However, a friend of my told me that they can be vissible in the default mode and I think it is useful to share this hint maybe some user later will want to know and run into this topic

You can right click the view or section and choose "dispaly threaded feautres"...

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