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V5 Viewer



Hi All,
Can anyone recommend a 3rd party viewer for Catia V5 .CATDrawings. I need our shop to have view only privileges for native .CATDrawings without having to maintain a second data set also the ability to print them from the shop floor.

Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated.

Larry Spieler
Tool Design Engineer
The company I currently work at uses eDrawings, which seems to work pretty good.

I would think Acrobat Reader would be a good solution as well.
Thanks for your swift reply. But the main thing i am trying to avoid is having to maintain a second data set. Although eDrawings and or Acrobat Reader are an option especially on the pocket book, I would have to save literally thousands of drawings to a all together different format and maintain that data set also each time changes are made to a drawing.
Am I correct in that assumption? I am just starting to explore my options so my knowlege of different methods and softwares for doing this is minimal. But believe me when I say that your input and knowlege are greatly valued.

Larry Spieler
Tool Design Engineer
Yes, both of my suggestions do require a conversion and a second database. There are pros and cons to this.

I haven't used the DMU Navigator for awhile - does it work with drawings?

Hopefully someone else will have suggestions for you. Or maybe you can find a solution at the COE conference.
You know I'm not familiar with the DMU product. I have checked out COE and Catia Eng-Tips there were mentions of Cimmetrys Autovue, Actify and Solidview which I have looked into a little bit so far and was somewhat impressed with the Autovue product. It has been a couple of years since I have been down this road and did research on different viewers. I'll keep on looking and probably get a rep. in to talk to us.
Thanks for your input,

DMU viewer will view drawings. The most common use of DMU viewer is by non-CAD users in an Enovia PDM system, the viewer is 3D and 2D with the ability to section and markup but not authoring.

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