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New member
Can anyone recommend a viewer that can show FT&A information (3D-annotation) from Catia. I have tried with the 3D XML Player but it doesn`t show the FT&A information.

Thanks to all answers and suggestions.

We use Adobe 3D as our translator to produce a 3D PDF file. Vitually ALL CAD Prog Data can be converted without having the respective license. All 3D-PMI(Text,Notes & GDT's) are automatically converted + all properties. With the specific Import configuration the 3D PDF can be converted to Step, IGES, Parasolid or VRML. So long as you have the Adobe Reader 8.1 the PDF's can be opened and read.
You can cut sections, add your own notes etc., measure, and, and, and.
Thanks for the answer. I have try Adobe 3D and the Adobe Reader 8.1. I wonder if it´s possible to measure in Adobe Reader 8.1? I have not find that commando.

Of cause! You can measure any distance, angles, diameters, etc. etc.
Once you have added the measure tool menu icon to your display(RMB "measure") you can measure or dimension as you require. Hope this heps.
One extra thing I forgot to mention oskwes. :mad:
To be able to measure or dimension in Adobe Reader you must activate the read/write functions for the reader in Adobe 3D before you save the document, otherwise it will remain as "read only" in your reader.
3D Live

The FTA in CATIA is dedicated paperless situation. now every one talk about 3D.
not only design dept, but purchase, production, tooling...all will utilize this function

Dassault systemes also have 3Dlive to ease the collobration. such as 3D PDF

Dassault Systemes : Overview

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