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What is a STEP file?


New member
I´ve been searching for information about what step format is and I just can´t understand what it is..

I took a cut from the adobe forum for example...
Forum name: Acrobat 3D
Posted By: David Osbporne - May 24, 2006 04:27 pm
I have been having a few issues when looking into using 3D models from Solidworks 2006. 1 - Is it possible to set opacity so that it carries through to the final PDF? I'm currently exporting from Solidworks to :confused: STEP file and then from STEP File to U3D.
Anyone know what it is...
I need to know:)
Also what a PDM system is..where you can schedule your visualation...

Definition of STEP

Hello habbe,

Here is a definition of the STEP neutral CAD data format standard from our TechBits directory along with some additional STEP and Data Exchange Tips:

I highy recomment that you take some time to review as many of our TechBits as you can. They discuss CAD technology including data exchange, modeling methods, increasing performance, etc.

You can also easily review the top 250 TechBits using our free online viewer. The link to that viewer is provided below. The viewer also provides access to the Top 30 tips, tutorials, books, etc. from the entire site.

I hope all of this helps.
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