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What is this economical "NX CAM EXPRESS"?


William B

Hallo all you :) CAD's,

Our resellers are to launch the new SE V19 with another product,
Sadly I can not attend the launch, but would like to know if it is worth to send someone.

Who can tell us quickly what this "NX CAM EXPRESS" is.
For that matter - what does 'cad/cam' mean? (for those who are to sceared to ask.)

NX CAM Express announcement thread.

Hi William,

I was afraid you didn't asked. :p
FYI, i've previously created a thread on NX CAM Express in the UG/NX forum.
Unfortunately, there wan't any posts contributed in there.
But since NX CAM Express falls under the Velocity series of products, i think it's only appropriate for me to move that thread to this forum. :)

You may want to discuss this topic in that thread? Thanks!
>> New member to the Velocity Series - NX CAM Express


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