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What Reasonably Priced Alternatives to Pro E Should Be Able To Do



The heavy lifting has already been done as far as the design of my device. I'm more concerned now with the presentation of the the multiple benefits inherent in the design. It might be something as simple as a picture of the device with a name and logo or it might be a little more involved than that.
So, to answer your questions:
1) I definitely want to do more than just see the device in the .iges file. I
want to be able to manipulate it in space so that I can see and print any
3 dimensional view that I want.
2) I am pretty sure I want to be able to render it (if you mean change color,
texture, etc.).
3) I would also like to be able to merge it with other data (swing planes, golf
club arcs, a 2D picture of a golfer swinging a golf club).
4) I don't think I will need to edit the surface data but would like to know my

I have Autodesk's AutoCAD LT and Adobe's Photoshop, Illustrator and
Pagemaker. Thanks for taking the time to respond to my query.
Try ARX (advanced rendering extension).
Photolux should be able to help u..


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