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Whitworth thread



Hi everyone, does anybody knows how to create a file to have Whitworth threads standard in thread/tap menu?
If anyone could mail me at least the header so I could complete it my self would be great.
Thanks in advance, Matias.
Create a standards file

Hello hatsumi,

We located an answer to your question on the COE discussion forums. Take a look at the following post.

You just have to create a standards file, name it BSW.txt or something else appropriate and put in in the correct directory (probably C:\Program Files\Dassault Systems\B16\intel_a\reffiles\standard for R16 on windows).

The standards file will look like this (it's tab delimited, it doesn't say [tab] in it):

0.1250[tab]0.2500[tab]0.0930[tab]BSW 1/8-40
0.1875[tab]0.0416[tab]0.1341[tab]BSW 3/16-24

You can get all the values you need to fill in the rest of the table

I attached a starter for you.

When you get it filled out, you can attach it back to this thread (pun!) so we all can use it should we have to make obsolete threads of our own some day.

Also, be aware that using thread standards files is somewhat broken if they are in inches like this one but you work in mm. Dassault really didn't think this one through completely.
Edited: Tue September 26, 2006 at 8:01 PM by CliffJohnson
Here is the link to the actual thread:

I hope this helps.
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  • BSW.txt
    166 bytes · Views: 45
Thanks for the post, I`ll try to fill it sometime around this week an I will post it so anyone could use it.

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