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Who uses UG in San Antonio Texas?



Hi Im new here. I've worked on UG since V4. Now Im on NX2.
Anyway Im relocating to San Antonio Texas and want to find the companies who use UG / NX. Any help is appriciated. Thanks! :D
In San Antonio:
Lancer Corp - manufacturer of soft drink dispensing equipment
Sino-Swearingen - Small jet aircraft manufacturer

In Boerne:
Texas Composite, Inc - Manufacturer of composite aerospace components
Just talked to a fellow from Cadstar about an opportunity in TX for a NX3 designer. I had to decline since I recently accepted a job closer to home. i wouldn't feel comfortable giving you his info but lookup Cadstar on the web and see if you can find out more.

Good Luck
Thanks guys! I'll check those leads and if there are any more just let me know. :D
Southwest Research Institute - San Antonio

SeaFan - New Braunfels

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