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Working with Parameters in BOM



Hey guys. I am having a TONNE of trouble trying to create an assembly drawing that updates its own Cost field in the BOM.

So. I have right now:
Ibeam.ipt - parameter Length - 15 in ** model variable
- parameter UnitCost - 4.0 ul
- parameter ValueEa - (Length * UnitCost) 60.0

I move to the assembly drawing and want to create a Total Cost parameter

- parameter ValueEa - 60.0 **stolen from the ipt
- parameter QTY - 3 ** 3 pieces in the assembly
- parameter Total_Value - QTY * ValueEa

This final parameter is giving me grief! ValueEa will not translate into the assembly file. Is there a linking procedure i have to do? I clicked Export in the Parameter window. The QTY parameter is not working for me either. Am i not allowed to us it in a calculation?
Reply from Autodesk...

Located this reply from kgrunawalt at Autodesk development.
Good Luck!
3DCADTips Help Desk :cool:

Reply From: kgrunawalt
Date: Jun/06/06 - 09:58 (CDT) NEW!

Re: BOM Parameters
I'll speak to the QTY as seen in the BOM. This is not a parameter. It is a total calculated per row in the bom view. A BOM with 5 different parts will have 5 different QTY values.

I think you want an excel like equation that references values relative to a row. Then you could do ITEM QTY * cost and ITEM QTY would have a row context. This is not supported in the current BOM or parts list. You are not the first to request the ability to calculate total costs. I will make sure this need is logged.

Katrin Grunawalt (Autodesk Dev.)
stolen from the ipt

Hey dias_ryan,
please let me know to export parameter from ipt to iam so it can be shown on the BOM on the dwg.


Hey guys. I am having a TONNE of trouble trying to create an assembly drawing that updates its own Cost field in the BOM.

So. I have right now:
Ibeam.ipt - parameter Length - 15 in ** model variable
- parameter UnitCost - 4.0 ul
- parameter ValueEa - (Length * UnitCost) 60.0

I move to the assembly drawing and want to create a Total Cost parameter

- parameter ValueEa - 60.0 **stolen from the ipt

- parameter QTY - 3 ** 3 pieces in the assembly
- parameter Total_Value - QTY * ValueEa

This final parameter is giving me grief! ValueEa will not translate into the assembly file. Is there a linking procedure i have to do? I clicked Export in the Parameter window. The QTY parameter is not working for me either. Am i not allowed to us it in a calculation?

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