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Blister pack die



Hi there,

I need to design a die for blister packaging a product. Has anyone had experience with designing this type of die? A sample file would help.:D

Blister Pack Tooling

Hi Kathy
I can help you with what ever information you require. We manufacture thermoformed packaging of all types and have hundreds of SW models of blisters, trays and clam shell packs. Let me know the type of product you want to model and i will send you a sample file to look at
Zevel said:
Hi Kathy
I can help you with what ever information you require. We manufacture thermoformed packaging of all types and have hundreds of SW models of blisters, trays and clam shell packs. Let me know the type of product you want to model and i will send you a sample file to look at

Hi Zevel,
Cool....thanks, I'd appreciate that very much!
The product is a keychain.
It looks similar to this:

Sorry I don't have a picture of the actual product yet.
Hi Kathy
I have sent you a private msg, send me a mail adress to my home email that i can send you a file. What version of SW are you using

Regards, Trevor
Sample file

Hi Kathy
Is this the type of thing you are looking for?
Take a look at the sketch pic. this is one way to make it easier



    685.7 KB · Views: 57
Can't open sample file

Hi Trevor,

I can't open the file. I'm still using an older version of Solidworks. (I'm considering upgrading it, but I don't use it very often...) I think it's Solidworks2000. If you convert your file to a parasolid file version 11, I should be able to open it.

Hi Kathy
This is a parasolid of the file, unfortunatly it wont tell you much in terms of the creation however it may help :)


    67.2 KB · Views: 19
Hello Zevel,
I am quite interested in your knowledge about blister design using solidworks. I have to teach it to students and i am looking for industrial exemples. Do you still work in this topic ?
Thanks for your answer,

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