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Page Setup scripting help


New member

I am trying to automate our current startup drawing in Catia V5 R16 SP6. I am a novice to the programming portion of Catia and need some help on 2 situations. I was hoping someone might be able to help with the 2 following scenarios.

1. We have a Knowledgeware reaction to change our drawing sizes to the sizes our company requires. I want to create a macro (or a command line) to run in the existing reaction, which will automatically set the File/Page Setup to our companies specified Sheet Style (ex.: C ARCH, D ARCH, B ANSI etc..).

2. We also have a Knowledgeware rule which hides or shows certain text values depending on which units we are using (Metric or Inch). I want to create a macro (or a command line) to run in the existing rule, which will automatically set the File/Page Setup to our companies specified Standard for Inch or Metric drawings.

Thank You,

Rich Weddle


Email: [email protected]

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