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I work in the entertainment industry 3dsmax/MAya and I recently received a ProE file from a client. The problem is that I'm not a CAD/PROE user and I wanted to know if there is a process/production path to export the proE data cleanly. The client has delivered IGES data that is extemely heavy with unnecessary data, IE. trims, duplicate data, etc. I was wondering if anyone has has any success with other apps like ashlar-vellums "CObalt". If anyone can make any recommendations it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Industry-standard translators in Pro/ENGINEER support the following data formats: IGES, STEP (AP202, AP203, AP214 - including Associative Drafting), SET, VDA, ECAD (IDS 2.0, 3.0), CGM, COSMOS/M, PATRAN and SUPERTAB geometry files, SLA, CGM (MILSPEC MIL-D-28003A), JPECT, TOFF, ProductView, RENDER, STL, VRML, INVENTOR, ACIS, STHENO/PRO, and XPATCH.


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